The Amerikanski Slovencov Glas Weekly


  • Mihael Kuzmič


At the beginning of the twentieth century our Prekmurje relatives started settling in Betlehem, Pa., USA, where a strong Slovene community developed very soon. The community successfully organized life in the new environment, established the Evangelical and Catholic Churches and charitable societies, and cared for its ethnic, cultural and religious traditions. A great contribution to this process was made by the newspaper Amerikanski Slovencov Glas launched in 1921 as the common publication of all the com m unity. Forthty good years, up until his retirement in 1954, the paper was edited and published by Aleksander Kardoš, a leading figure in the cultural life of Prekmurje Slovenes in the United States. The Amerikanski Slovencov Glas was one of the most important factors of presevation of national, cultural and religious consciousness among the Prekmurje immigrants in the first half of this century.



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On arriving in the United States, the immigrants from Slovenia's Prekmurje region continued fostering their literary tradition. Their strongest settlement Was in Betlehem, Pa., USA, where at the begining of the century they established charitable Societies, built churches and issued publications Which catered to the needs of local readers. In 1921 they started the Amerikanski Slovencov Glas иeekly which gradually broadened its scope, to become the paper of all Societies, churches and organizations of Prekmurje Slovenes in the United States. Its editor for close to thirty years Was Aleksander Kardos Who took great pains to preserve the ethnic, cultural and religious traditions. The ASG played an important informative and educational role, and at the same time offered space for literary breakthroughs by Prekmurje Slovenes in the U. S. and on the old country. The review reflects the life of Betlehem in all its complexity, and at the same time reveals the manner of and material from Which its population learned about the events at their new home, in the World and in the old country. With the departure of the first generation, the role of the ASG weakened as next generations of immigrants became closer integrated in U. S. environment, pushing the Prekmurje Ways of their parents to the background of their interests. It was issued in the Prekmurje dialect and printed in the Hungarian lettering, the ASG performed an important role. It was issued Very regularly and maintained a considerably high level of professional journalism.



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Kardoš Aleks, ASG 7. januarja 1949. Gl. op. 6.

Slovenski koledar 1985, str. 147-154.

Kuzmič M., Kratka kronologija Slovencev iz Prekmurja v Betlehemu, Pa., ZDA. V: Slovenski koledar 1984, str. 191-195. - isti, O prekmurski evan­geličanski literaturi v Ameriki. V: Evangeličanski koledar 1982, str. 55-66; - isti, Katoliška župnija sv. Jožefa v Betlehemu, Pa., ZDA. V: Stopinje 1984, str. 193-202.

Kuzmič M., Aleks Kardoš in njegovo delo med prekmurskimi Slovenci v Ameriki. V: Zbornik Društva slovenskih književnih prevajalcev, Ljublja­ na 1988, str. 51-58.

Kuzmič M., Louis Adamič in ameriški betlehemski rojaki. V: Slovenski koledar 1989, str. 133-136.

ASG, 7. januar 1949, str. 1.3; gl. Kuzmič M., Kako je začel izhajati Amerikanski Slovencov Glas. V: Slovenski koledar 1986, str. 126-127 in 152-155; isti, Amerikanski Slovencov Glas. V: Slovenski koledar 1987, str. 169-174.

ASG, 11. decembra 1953.



How to Cite

Kuzmič, M. (1992). The Amerikanski Slovencov Glas Weekly. Two Homelands, (2-3), 55–66. Retrieved from


