Bronasti tolkač and V kljunu golobice by Bert Pribac


  • Barbara Suša


Bert Pribac definitely belongs among the major Slovene poets in Australia. In a way, his creations also merge with literary stream s in the homeland. Pribac’s beginnings as a poet can be linked to the elated, post-war reconstruction period of Slovene poetry. Also associated with it are the first shoots of optimistic intimism and, later, its destruction. After his departure abroad, Pribac’s poetry, with his homesick Istrian nostalgia, acquires typical traits of an emigrant poetry, but, on the other side, its treatment of human loneliness and smallness and the inhumanity of today’s civilization merge it with contemporary Slovene and broader stream s in poetry During his s ta y in Australia, Pribac also began to write in English and asserted himself in his new homeland with the publications in multicultural and Australian literary magazines.


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Mirko Jurak, Poetry written by Slovene immigrants in Australia, Types of imagery from the Old and the New Cauntry, Australian papers, Ljubljana, 1982, str. 49-54.

Mirko Jurak, Pesniško ustvarjanje slovenskih izseljencev v Avstraliji, Literarne in gledališke interpretacije in preso­je, Ljubljana 1988, str. 125-131.

Jerneja Petrič, Literature written by the Slovenes in Australia, Australian papers, Ljubljana 1982, str. 49-61.

Tine Debeljak, Trideset let zdomske emigracijske književ­nosti 1945-1975, Zbornik svobodne Slovenije 1973-1975, Buenos Aires, str. 381-437.

Lev Detela, Pesnik Istre in tujine, Nekaj opomb k pesniški zbirki Humberta Pribca »Bronasti Tolkač«, Melbourne 1962, Most, 33/34/1972.

Boris Paternu, Helga Glušič-Krisper, Matjaž Kmecl, Sloven­ska književnost 1945-1965, Ljubljana 1967, str. 173-182.

Saj ni dneva, Bronasti tolkač, Melbourne, 1962, str. 47.

Jože Pogačnik, Slovenska Lepa Vida ali hoja za rožo čudotvorno, Ljubljana 1988, str. 43-72.

Boris Paternu, Pogledi na slovensko književnost, Problem katarze v Prešernovem Pevcu, Ljubljana 1974, str. 319-355.

Nekoč so pesniki sanjali, V kljunu golobice, Canberra 1973, str. 25.



How to Cite

Suša, B. (1990). Bronasti tolkač and V kljunu golobice by Bert Pribac. Two Homelands, (1), 291–299. Retrieved from


