Membership in Družba sv. Mohorja (The Society of St. Hermagoras) in the United States to the Year 1900


  • Andrej Vovko


Družba sv. Mohorja has played an important role among Slovene emigrants, particularly as a cultural and language link with the homeland. Membership by Slovene emigrants is also a measure of Slovene presence in the new homeland. The paper shows, in number and place, the expansion of membership in družba sv. Mohorja among Slovene emigrants to the USA up too year 1900. The article Slovenes in the Calendar of Družba sv. Mohorja by the priest Franc Šušteršič from the Sv. Jože Parish in Joliet is also briefly presented.



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There is no need to prove the great cultural and educational role which Družba sv. Mohorja had in Slovenia. Less known, however, is its activity among Slovene emigrants in various parts of the world, where it helped maintain a strong language, cultural and other connections with the homeland. The dissemination of its publications and the geographical distribution of its members help us trace Slovene emigrant settlements, even where they no longer exist today. The paper shows, in number and place, the expansion of membership in Družba Sv. Mohorja among Slovene emigrants to the USA up to the year 1900 and it also includes data on their settlement in America which was published in the article Slovenes in America in 1894 in the »Koledar Družbe sv. Mohorja*. This article, produced by Franc Šušteršič, priest form Sv. Jožef Parish in Joliet, is based on the author’s own data and on the data of several inform ants - particularly Slovene emigrant priests. Father Šušteršič’s contribution, Slovenes in America, is also briefly presented. After a short survey of the history of immigration to America, the author presents information on all Slovene settlements, stressing the religious conditions of Slovene emigrants. In the second part, he shows in detail the everyday life of Slovene emigrants, its advantages and disadvantages, with the obvious intention of instructing future emigrants from the homeland on the circumstances and possibilities of living in the USA. The paper points out that the several St. Hermagoras centers in the USA were soon formed (Joliet, Cleveland, Brockway, Calumet - Red Jacket). As a rule, they appeared in those Slovene settlements with the strongest religious organisation. This paper is merely an initial, modest attempt to show the activity of Družba sv. Mohorja among Slovene emigrants and to suggest the net affect of its members outside the homeland.


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O Družbi sv. Mohorja glej: Janko Moder, Iz zdravih korenin močno drevo, Iz zgodovine Družbe sv. Mohorja 1, Celje 1952, 384 str.; 130 let Družbe sv. Mohorja v Celovcu, Celovec 1983, 200 str.; Rudolf Klinec, Zgodovina goriške Mohorjeve družbe, Gorica 1967, 246 str.; Miloš Rybar, Nastanek in razvoj Družbe sv. Mohorja, Vloga Cerkve v slovenskem kulturnem razvoju 19.stoletja, Ljubljana 1989, str. 71-75

Franc S. Šušteršič (22. 1. 1864 Glinice pri Ljubljani- 24. 2. 1911 Ljubljana). Glej: Viktor Smolej, Slovenski biografski leksikon, XI, Ljubljana 1971, str. 731 (v nadaljevanju SBL); Jurij Trunk, Amerika in Amerikanci, Celovec 1912, str. 596-598 (v nadaljevanju Trunk)

F. S. Šušteršič, Slovenci v Ameriki, Koledar Družbe sv. Mohorja za leto 1894, Celovec 1893, str. 15-27 (v nadalje­ vanju Mohorjev koledar za...)

Ivan Zupan, Izprehodi po New Yorku, Mohorjev koledar za 1906, str. 43-53

Ignacij Tomazin (4. 2. 1843, Ljubljana - 26. 8. 1916, Chica­ go). Glej: J. Trunk, str. 598-599; Marjan Smolik, SBL XII, str. 102-103

Mohorjev koledar za 1885, str. 48

Mohorjev koledar za 1887, str. 84

Podatki o udih Družbe sv. Mohorja so iz njihovih rednih letnih seznamov v Mohorjevih koledarjih.

Mohorjev koledar za 1887, str. 80

Mohorjev koledar za 1888, str. 86

Janez M. Sonce (Solnce), (7. 6. 1861 Smlednik- 11. 1915 Št. Pavel). Glej: J. Trunk, str. 590; Janko Rogelj, SBL III, str. 407

Mohorjev koledar za 1891, str. 118

F. S. Šušteršič, Slovenci v Ameriki, Mohorjev koledar za 1894, str. 16 (v nadaljevanju F. S. Šušteršič)

Jožef F. Buh, (17. 3. 1833 Lučine- 3. 2. 1923 Duluth). Glej J. Trunk, str. 549-552; Ivan Mulaček, SBL I, str. 64-65

F.S. Šušteršič, str. 18


J. Trunk, str. 547-548; Ivan Mulaček, SBL I, str. 39

Podatki po Mohorjevih podatkih za leta 1895-1901

Mohorjev koledar za leto 1901, str. 131-132

Podatki po Mohorjevih koledarjih za leta 1905-1918



How to Cite

Vovko, A. (1990). Membership in Družba sv. Mohorja (The Society of St. Hermagoras) in the United States to the Year 1900. Two Homelands, (1), 121–135. Retrieved from


