The Valley of Eden
The paper describes the beginning, the continuation and the end of the Slovene Catholic colony which priest Peter Josip Jeram founded in the Valley of Eden in northern California. The author has visited the lost place of this Slovene utopian settlement which had been forgotten for ages. She highlights the reasons for the downfall of the colony and the life of Slovenes in the Valley of Eden through interviews with emigrants in California and through the correspondence which has been preserved.
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In the second half of the Nineteenth Century a large number of utopian colonies flowered all over the United States. They included many immigrants and Slovenes were no exception.
Slovene clergyman Peter Josip Jeram decided to establish a Catholic colony in the Valley of Eden in northern California. He intended to lead Slovenes there from all parts of the United States and to save them from degradation in the cities.
Peter Josip Jeram was born in 1857 in the Gorenjsko (Lower Carniola) region. After having finished lower high school, he went to the United States where he continued his studies and became a priest. For some time he served in Minnesota and South Dacota, and he went to California in 1894.
In the fall of 1895 Jeram started to realize his idea o f a Catholic settlement. With the aid of Slovene newspapers he began collecting funds for the purchase of an Eden Valley property. The response of his countrymen was enormous. In the short time Jeram collected the funds necessary for the down-payment the bank requested, and in early 1896 he bought the property. The rest of the money was to be paid in installments. The fir s t 53 Slovenes came immidiately, and others kept coming. In early spring 1896, 200 Slovenes were in the Valley of Eden.
Jeram intended to settle 400 people in the Valley. In the first years the settlers would work on the common land.
Afterwards, when the enterprise was doing well, the land would be divided. A small committee helped Jeram run the colony. Soon came complaints and m any left the colony. The greatest source of discontent was Jeram’s decision that colonists would tend common land for fifty years.
After that, the colony went rapidly downhill. Only those who had no money for departure remained. The death of Peter Josip Jeram in May 1897, when he drowned in the flooded river Eel, only accelerated the decline of the colony. After Jeram’s death, the last colonists left the land. The majority of them resettled in San Francisco.
In fouding the Catholic colony, Jeram had m any opponents. The clergy charged that he was a communist, while the socialists held him to be a crook. The main reason for the downfall of the colony was its utopian social order. Jeram should have given the people freedom to work on their own land. His intentions, though, were humane since he w anted to save his countrymen from the city life they were unaccustomed to and offer them a perm anent income.
The present owners of the Valley of Eden property built nearby a small airport, a power plant and a lake.
Janez Stanonik, Andrej Bernard Smolnikar, Slovenski kole dar 1962, Ljubljana 1962, str. 170-174; Janez Stanonik, Longfellow and Smolnikar, Acta Neophilologica, št. 1, Ljubljana 1968, str. 3-36
Joseph Connors, Journey Towar Fullfillment, St. Paul, Minnesota 1895
Janez L. Zaplotnik, Peter Josip Jeram (v nadaljevanju Zaplotnik), Ave Maria koledar, Lemont 1958, str. 75
Peter Majerle se je rodil leta 1856 v Predgradu in umrl leta 1923 v San Franciscu.
Pismo Petra Majerleta iz Predgrada 18. septembra 1895 prijatelju Marku Jonkeju v San Francisco.
Zaplotnik, str. 76
Zaplotnik, str. 77-78; Ivan Molek, Rajska dolina (v nadaljevanju Molek), Ameriški družinski koledar, Chicago 1931, str. 34
Leta 1855 je bila blizu Rajske doline ustanovljena nemška utopična naselbina, sledila ji je norveška leta 1890. Po propadu Jeramove kolonije pa so bile v okraju Mendocino leta 1912 ustanovljene še finska in ruska ter leta 1921 škotska. V šestdesetih letih so svojo agrarno kolonijo osnovali celo hipiji.
Pismo Petra Majerleta iz Predgrada prijatelju Marku Jonkeju v San Francisco 3. decembra 1895.
Pismo Petra Majerleta iz Predgrada 11. januarja 1896, pri jatelju Juretu Šterku v San Francisco.
Peter Josip Jeram, Poziv Slovencem v Ameriki in stari domovini, Novice gospodarske, obrtniške in narodne, LXXX/1895, list 50, str. 489-490
Pismo M artina M ajerleta iz Delaware Mine prijatelju Marku Jonkeju v San Francisco 2. februarja 1896.
Pismo Martina Majerleta 23. februarja 1896 prijatelju Marku Jonkeju v San Francisco.
Nedatirano pismo Marka Blutha iz Soudana v Minnesoti prijatelju Marku Jonkeju v San Francisco.
Nedatirano sporočilo Marka Blutha iz Soudana v Minnesoti.
Molek, str. 34-35
Spisek Slovencev, ki so do 13. februarja 1896 kupili delnice za Slovensko katoliško kolonijo, je objavil tudi Ivan Molek. Glej: Molek, str. 35 19. Zaplotnik, str. 79
Molek, str. 37
Ameriški časopis Republican Press iz Ukiaha je 28. februarja 1896 poročal o novi naselbini v članku z naslovom A Catholic Colony Purchase of Eden Valley Ranch by Au- strians. Ponatisnil ga je tudi Molek. Glej: Molek, str. 37
Molek, str. 36
Avtor članka je pripadal protikatoliški organizaciji A.P.A. (American Protestant Association). Še danes ameriški protestantje, ki so najmočnejša verska skupina v Združe nih državah Amerike, zaničujejo katolike.
Pismo je ponatisnjeno v Ameriškem družinskem koledarju, Chicago, 1931, str. 39
Zaplotnik, str. 79
Pismo Georga Šterka iz Rajske doline 25. maja 1896 prijatelju Marku Jonkeju v San Francisco. 27. Ibid.
Molek, str. 39
Pismo Martina Majerleta iz Red Jacketa v Michiganu 9. januarja 1897 prijatelju Marku Jonkeju v San Francisco. 32. Lilburn Gibson, 74 Years in Mendocino County, str. 13
Pismo Josipa Demšarja iz Angels Čampa 10. avgusta 1897 prijatelju Marku Jonkeju v San Francisco.
Po pripovedovanju Rudyja Troye iz San Francisca.
S sireno so v ameriških premogovnih krajih naznanjali začetek in konec dela.
Pismo Martina Majerleta iz Red Jacketa v Michiganu, 9. januarja 1897 prijatelju Marku Jonkeju v San Francisco. 37. Po pripovedovanju Mary Ancel iz San Francisca.
Zaplotnik, str. 80-81
Zaplotnik, str. 69: »Kalifornijci, ki so ga osebno poznali, so ga imeli za velikega idealista, ne pa za praktičnega člo veka.«
Zaplotnik, str. 74
Zaplotnik, str. 79
Molek, str. 32 in 35
Ana Praček Krasna, Moja ameriška leta, Koper 1980, str. 219-220 45. Molek, str. 35
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