The past and the present activity of the Institute for Slovene emigration research
The paper presents the data on the beginnings of organized collection of material on Slovene emigrants, an effort which took an institutionalizetd form with the foundation of the Center of Studies on the History of Slovene Emigration at SAZU in 1963. Also presented are the activities of the Center, which was renamed twice: in 1982 into the Institute for Emigration at SAZU, and in 1986 into the Institute for Slovene Emigration Research of the Centre of Scientific Research of the Slovene Academy of Sciences and Arts (ZRC SAZU).
Zapisniki sej IO Slovenske izseljenske matice, ki jih hrani Inštitut za slovensko izseljenstvo ZRC SAZU
Zapisniki sej znanstvenega sveta Študijskega centra za zgodo vino slovenskega izseljenstva SAZU
Zapisniki sej znanstvenega sveta Inštituta za izseljenstvo SAZU
Zapisniki sej znanstvenega sveta Inštituta za slovensko izse ljenstvo ZRC SAZU
Slovenski izseljenski koledar 12/1965-14/1967, 16/1969. Lju bljana, Slovenska izseljenska matica 1964-1966, 1968
Letopis SAZU 36/1986-39/1988, Ljubljana, Slovenska akademija znanosti in umetnosti, 1986-1988
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