National identity of Croatian emigrants in overseas countries: examples (comparison) of Croatian migrant communities in Argentina and Australia (New South Wales)


  • Rebeka Mesarić Žabčić
  • Marina Perić Kaselj


Croatian diaspora, overseas migration, Argentina, Australia, Croatian emigrants, Croatian emigrant/migrant community, Croatian emigrant societies, national identity


The article discuses national identity on the example of the Croatian diaspora in two overseas countries: Argentina and Australia. The time frame is set from the beginning of the Second World War until today. The topic of the research is the Croatian diaspora with different social and national activities, as well as the attitudes within the Croatian emigrant societies. The purpose of the article is to determine the manner in which the national identity of the Croatian Diaspora in the two overseas countries was formed and preserved and to identify possible similarities or differences between them.


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Author Biographies

Rebeka Mesarić Žabčić

Ph.D, Research Fellow, Institute for Migration and Ethnic Studies, Trg S. Radića 3, HR-10000 Zagreb

Marina Perić Kaselj

MA, Political Science, Institute for Migration and Ethnic Studies, Trg S. Radića 3, HR-10000 Zagreb


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How to Cite

Mesarić Žabčić, R. ., & Perić Kaselj, M. . (2009). National identity of Croatian emigrants in overseas countries: examples (comparison) of Croatian migrant communities in Argentina and Australia (New South Wales). Two Homelands, (30). Retrieved from


