Ambivalent identities emerging in transnational migrations between Argentina and Slovenia


  • Jaka Repič


transnational migration, ambivalent identities, Argentina, Slovenia, identity politics


The article explores the issue of ambivalent identities in transnational migrations between Argentina and Slovenia. Recent migrations between the two states are historically and causally related to political emigration after the Second World War from Slovenia to Argentina and the formation of a diasporic community that asserted complex symbolic links to its homeland. Due to this connection, contemporary migrants can claim and (re)activate their Slovene origin, ‘original’ culture, belonging, citizenship and social identities.


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Author Biography

Jaka Repič

PhD, Department of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana, Aškerčeva 2, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia


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How to Cite

Repič, J. . (2010). Ambivalent identities emerging in transnational migrations between Argentina and Slovenia. Two Homelands, (31). Retrieved from


