Transnational Dynamics among the Children of Slovene Emigrants on the Internet


  • Jure Gombač


children, adolescents, ethnicity, identity, Internet, transnationalism


This paper describes how the children of Slovene emigrants interact on the Internet and explores the exceptionally rich communication that takes place among them. This crosses national borders and focuses on a number of cultural phenomena that can be ascribed to transnationality. These links have the advantage of not being controlled or influenced by parents, relatives or others, which facilitates greater freedom and flexibility when forming their own identity.


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Author Biography

Jure Gombač

PhD in Sociology, researcher, Institute for Slovenian Emigration Studies, Centre for Scientific Research at the Slovene Academy of Sciences and Arts, Novi trg 2, SI-1000 Ljubljana


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How to Cite

Gombač, J. . (2010). Transnational Dynamics among the Children of Slovene Emigrants on the Internet. Two Homelands, (32). Retrieved from


