Hidden Minorities in Kosovo: “We Feel like Ghosts in our Own Community”


  • Zala Volčič
  • Karmen Erjavec


hidden minorities, nationalism, communication, Kosovo, former Yugoslavia


This article presents an analysis of the self-representation of the smaller (non-Serbian and non-KosovoAlbanian) minorities in Kosovo. On the basis of in-depth interviews with representatives of diff erent minorities living in Kosovo such as Roma, Ashkali, Egyptians, Bosniaks, Gorani, Croats and Turks, we reveal the ways in which they express their perceptions of living in the “new” Kosovo. The main contention of the article is that while these minority groups openly express that they are subject to discrimination and acknowledge how Kosovo Albanians and Serbs frame them as the “Other”, they want to remain “hidden”.


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Author Biographies

Zala Volčič

Researcher, Ph.D.; University of Queensland, Centre for Critical and Cultural Studies, Forgan Smith Building, St. Lucia, Brisbane, Australia

Karmen Erjavec

Associate Professor, Ph. D.; University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Social Sciences, Kardeljeva pl. 5, SI-1000 Ljubljana


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How to Cite

Volčič, Z. ., & Erjavec, K. . (2011). Hidden Minorities in Kosovo: “We Feel like Ghosts in our Own Community”. Two Homelands, (33). Retrieved from https://ojs.zrc-sazu.si/twohomelands/article/view/11008


