Brain Talent Circulation: A New Aim for Countries Connecting with Diasporas


  • Breda Mulec


migration, brain drain, scientific diaspora, brain talent circulation


The author tries to explain the phenomena of brain drain, brain gain and brain circulation. Since many countries are confronted with brain circulation, it has become a new aim of national strategies in connecting countries with diasporas. To explain the reasons for these migrations, the author used foreign studies, existent statistic information and the extensive public debate, which started in Slovenia. On this basis, she tries to answer the question whether Slovenia is facing brain drain or not, and states the most recent measures taken in the country. The author also mentions some examples of good practices and initiatives of international organizations considering brain circulation and then analyses networks, which are used for communicating with scientifi c diasporas. A part of these networks is also online communication with the help of new online communication technologies.


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Author Biography

Breda Mulec

Dr. pravnih znanosti, asistentka z doktoratom; Urad Vlade RS za Slovence v zamejstvu in po svetu, Komenskega 11, SI-1000 Ljubljana


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How to Cite

Mulec, B. . (2011). Brain Talent Circulation: A New Aim for Countries Connecting with Diasporas. Two Homelands, (33). Retrieved from


