The Reac tions of Immigrants from the South Slavic Lands and their Descendants in the USA to the Dissolution of Yugoslavia (1989–1993)


  • Matjaž Klemenčič


Yugoslav diaspora, immigrant organizations, USA, former Yugoslavia


The paper describes the activities of the organizations of individual ethnic groups in the US from the regions of former Yugoslavia. These groups on the one hand supported Serbian interests and centralized and unifi ed Yugoslavia, and on the other supported the interests of the other former Yugoslav republics to establish independent states.


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Author Biography

Matjaž Klemenčič

Professor of History, Ph.D., Faculty of Arts, University of Maribor, Koroška cesta 160, SI-2000 Maribor, Slovenia


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How to Cite

Klemenčič, M. . (2011). The Reac tions of Immigrants from the South Slavic Lands and their Descendants in the USA to the Dissolution of Yugoslavia (1989–1993). Two Homelands, (33). Retrieved from


