Evaluation of the Seriousness of Acts of Violence against Immigrant Secondary School Students in Boarding Schools


  • Olga Dečman Dobrnjič
  • Milan Pagon
  • Majda Pšunder


boarding school, secondary school students, educators, immigrants, evaluation of the seriousness of violent acts


The National Education Institute of the Republic of Slovenia has issued the Guidelines for the Integration of Immigrant Children in Kindergartens and Schools. The difficulties with the integration of immigrant students are of a broad character, and the essay deals with the issue of the safety of the boarding school environment for secondary school students with immigrant parents. In our opinion it is also influenced by the statements, beliefs and attitudes of educators and secondary school students regarding acts of violence. To obtain the answers to our hypotheses, a research project was carried out in which educators (teachers) and boarding school students were questioned as to the level of seriousness at which they evaluate psychological or physical acts of violence against secondary school students with immigrant parents. There are 39 boarding schools in Slovenia which employ 200 educators and at which 5000 secondary school students are enrolled. The research involved all of the boarding schools in Slovenia, including 154 educators and 1331 boarding school students. We recommend the introduction of topics of non-violent culture regarding immigrant secondary school students into the management policy of boarding schools.


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Author Biographies

Olga Dečman Dobrnjič

Olga Dečman Dobrnjič, MSc Management, National Education Institute of Slovenia, Poljanska 28, SI-1000 Ljubljana

Milan Pagon

Milan Pagon, ScD, PhD Management, College of Business Studies, Al Ghurair University, PO Box 37374 Dubai, UAE

Majda Pšunder

Majda Pšunder, PhD Pedagogy, University of Maribor, Faculty of Arts, Koroška cesta 160, SI-2000 Maribor


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How to Cite

Dečman Dobrnjič, O. ., Pagon, M. ., & Pšunder, M. . (2012). Evaluation of the Seriousness of Acts of Violence against Immigrant Secondary School Students in Boarding Schools. Two Homelands, (36). Retrieved from https://ojs.zrc-sazu.si/twohomelands/article/view/10886


