Statelessness in Slovenia


  • Veronika Bajt


statelessness, citizenship, migration, the erased, Slovenia


The official data show that the number of stateless persons (i.e. persons without nationality) in Sloveniais extremely low. The issue of statelessness is not sufficiently attended to in a research, conceptual, and practical sense. The low level of awareness of the problem of statelessness among state officials as well as the a priori presumption of nationality for persons from other republics of the former Yugoslavia are particularly problematic. This article presents the results of the first in-depth study on statelessness in Slovenia and concludes that due to the lack of data, further research is needed, in particular among the Roma population and the erased persons – groups that have been disproportionally exposed to statelessness.


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Author Biography

Veronika Bajt

Dr. sociologije, znanstvena sodelavka, Mirovni inštitut, Metelkova 6, SI-1000 Ljubljana


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How to Cite

Bajt, V. . (2014). Statelessness in Slovenia. Two Homelands, (39). Retrieved from


