Social Control and International Migration: An Analysis of Control from the Global to the Local Level


  • Aleš Bučar Ručman



social control, surveillance, migration, panopticon, biopolitics


The paper deals with social control in the case of international migration and migrants. The author connects Foucault’s concepts of panoptic surveillance and biopolitics with Althusser’s concept of repressive and ideological state apparatuses. The ideological apparatuses pave the way and provide the domestic political legitimacy (public support) for the repressive apparatus. The author presents in detail the forms of formal social control of migration and migrants, which take place on four levels: outside of the country of destination; at the external borders; inside of the country of destination; and in cyberspace. The restriction of the possibility of legal entry and residence in the EU for foreigners (third country nationals) and the consequential increase in migration control has to be understood in the context of changes determined by neoliberal ideology. This creates a paradoxical situation and causes the transformation of states into socially weak but repressive states. They are weak with respect to the social rights of residents, but repressive in the field of surveillance and stricter penal policy. One of the most illustrative areas of such transformation are qualitative and quantitative changes in the control of migration and migrants.


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Author Biography

Aleš Bučar Ručman

Dr. sociologije, docent, Fakulteta za varnostne vede, Univerza v Mariboru, Kotnikova 8, SI-1000 Ljubljana


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How to Cite

Bučar Ručman, A. . (2016). Social Control and International Migration: An Analysis of Control from the Global to the Local Level. Two Homelands, (43).


