Reclamation of Slovenian Identity by the Descendants of Slovenian Immigrants in the USA and Canada in the Context of the Global Trend of Individualization


  • Dejan Valentinčič



global trends, individualization, Slovenian descendants, ethnic identity, search of roots


In this article the author presents a phenomenon of individuals of Slovenian descent living in the United States and Canada, whose ethnic identity and connection with Slovenian ethnic community were either lost early in their lives, or were not even passed down to them by their ancestors, but were later (re)discovered. Life stories of individuals have been put into the context of the global trend of individualization and applied to this local case. The author examines what has motivated them to trace their roots, what this means to them today and how the discovery of Slovenian identity is reflected in their lives.


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Author Biography

Dejan Valentinčič

Mag. prava, asistent za ustavno pravo in človekove pravice, Fakulteta za uporabne družbene študije, Gregorčičeva 19, SI-5000 Nova Gorica


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How to Cite

Valentinčič, D. (2016). Reclamation of Slovenian Identity by the Descendants of Slovenian Immigrants in the USA and Canada in the Context of the Global Trend of Individualization. Two Homelands, (44).


