The Dynamics of Othering in Activism as Part of Germany’s Post-2015 “Willkommenskultur”


  • Linda Becht
  • Laura Boucsein
  • Katharina Mayr



Othering, Willkommenskultur, activism, humanitarianism, refugees


The article critically evaluates the involvement of activists in the country’s often praised Willkommenskultur (culture of welcome). Using humanitarianism as a starting point, it investigates the ways activists otherise refugees in spite or because of seemingly good intentions. The analysis of interviews conducted with activists in Northern Germany showed that Othering among activists takes different forms, depending on their form of involvement and individual characteristics, such as their (lack of a) personal flight history. Exclusionary Othering is predominantly used by activists who are not sensitised to power hierarchies, while other activists often employ inclusive Othering when attempting to connect on an equal level.


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Author Biographies

Linda Becht

Bachelor of Arts in Theology and Social Work in an Intercultural Context and currently enrolled in European Master in Migration and Intercultural Relations; Obernhäuserstr. 9, 75217 Birkenfeld, Germany

Laura Boucsein

Bachelor of Arts in European Studies and currently enrolled in European Master in Migration and Intercultural Relations; Limburgerstr. 71, 65552 Limburg, Germany

Katharina Mayr

Bachelor of Arts in Cultural Sciences and currently enrolled in European Master in Migration and Intercultural Relations; Hugo-Herrmannstr. 42, 88213 Ravensburg, Germany


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How to Cite

Becht, L., Boucsein, L., & Mayr, K. (2018). The Dynamics of Othering in Activism as Part of Germany’s Post-2015 “Willkommenskultur”. Two Homelands, (47).


