“Probashi” in Italy. New Destinations: Trends, Origins and Profiles of Bangladeshi Migrants in Padova and Cadoneghe





Bangladeshi migrants, migration trends, motivations for migration, migrant profiles, migration to Italy


Most of the studies on Bangladeshi migration to Italy have been conducted in cities and towns that already have a relatively long tradition of hosting Bangladeshi communities, such as Rome, Vicenza and Venice. This article focuses on two recent local contexts of Bangladeshi migration to Italy: Padova and Cadoneghe in the Veneto region. The study attempts to answer the following research questions: What are the trends, channels and motivations behind Bangladeshi migration to Padova and Cadoneghe, from which Bangladeshi regions do the migrants originate and what are their cultural, socio-demographic and economic profiles?


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Author Biographies

Mohammad Morad

PhD candidate, School of Social Sciences: Interactions, Communication, Cultural Constructions, Department of FISPPA, Section of Sociology, University of Padova, Via M. Cesarotti 10/12, Italy-35123 Padova

Jure Gombač

PhD in Sociology, Associate professor, University of Nova Gorica, Senior Research Fellow, Slovenian Migration Institute, SRC SASA, Novi trg 2, SI-1000 Ljubljana


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How to Cite

Morad, M., & Gombač, J. (2018). “Probashi” in Italy. New Destinations: Trends, Origins and Profiles of Bangladeshi Migrants in Padova and Cadoneghe. Two Homelands, (47). https://doi.org/10.3986/dd.2018.1.03


