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The Perceptions of Aging among Iranian Migrants: Evidence from Nevsehir, Turkey




perception, elderly Iranian migrant, transit migration, aging, Turkey


The paper looks at perceptions of aging among elderly Iranian migrants in Nevsehir, Turkey. The author explores how socioeconomic and cultural factors and the transit migrant status of these migrants affect their perceptions of aging. The study used a semi-structured questionnaire to conduct in-depth interviews. It suggests that wage discrimination plays a significant role in determining the respondents’ perceptions of aging due to the lack of official work permits for Iranian migrants. It also explores how the transit migrant status of elderly Iranian migrants and the uncertainty of their stay in Turkey restrict their social networks and access to social protection, sharply shaping their perceptions of aging.


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2022-01-31 — Updated on 2022-08-28


How to Cite

Islam, M. (2022). The Perceptions of Aging among Iranian Migrants: Evidence from Nevsehir, Turkey. Two Homelands, 2022(55), 133–150. (Original work published January 31, 2022)


