Old Rhetoric and New Devices: Quarantine Ships as an Instrument of Externalization


  • Stefania Spada Department of Legal Sciences CIRSFID (Centro di Ricerca in Storia del Diritto, Filosofia e Sociologia del Diritto e Informatica Giuridica), Via Galliera 3, 40121 Bologna, Italy https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1128-868X




asylum seekers, COVID-19, quarantine ships, rhetoric, externalization


The article aims to illustrate and explore the rhetoric and institutional approach toward migrants – asylum seekers in particular – undertaken by Italy following the COVID-19 crisis. Through the account of the different “narrative phases” and the consequent institutional action undertaken, this article intends to demonstrate how the health crisis has sharpened and even intensified pre-existing attitudes and practices. The actions taken in the last year can be understood as a further step in the process of externalizing the borders. Through the instrumental use of rhetoric and illegitimate practices, a sort of de-territorialization has been implemented through the use of quarantine ships.


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How to Cite

Spada, S. (2021). Old Rhetoric and New Devices: Quarantine Ships as an Instrument of Externalization. Two Homelands, 2021(54). https://doi.org/10.3986/dd.2021.2.11


