Online Education of Marginalized Children in North Macedonia and Italy During the COVID-19 Pandemic




migrant children, children living in poverty, marginalization, COVID-19 online education, North Macedonia, Italy


The COVID-19 pandemic abruptly interrupted the traditional education process and imposed the need to switch to online education. Children living in poverty without proper IT infrastructure have been substantially excluded from the educational process amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. During this challenging pandemic, education has been placed in quarantine. This research paper aims to qualitatively investigate the potential social exclusion and further marginalization within remote learning during the pandemic in a very particular local context, focusing on the areas of Bitola (North Macedonia) and Treviso (Italy).


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How to Cite

Cenedese, M., & Spirovska, I. (2021). Online Education of Marginalized Children in North Macedonia and Italy During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Two Homelands, 2021(54).


