The Coronavirus Crisis and Migration: The Pan-Syndemic and Its Impact on Migrants




coronavirus, inequalities, migration, pandemic, syndemics


he coronavirus crisis exposed and exacerbated inequalities that already existed. Simultaneously, it has transformed inequalities, changing old ones, generating new ones, intertwining the old and the new. A test of these processes, in particular, of the differentiated impact of the health crisis, may be observed in migration. After examining the ecological-social origins of the novel coronavirus and the COVID-19 related racial health inequalities, the article analyzes the consequences of the pandemic on the health and working conditions of immigrant workers, asylum seekers, emigrants in travel. It highlights the syndemic situation affecting them.


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How to Cite

Perocco, F. (2021). The Coronavirus Crisis and Migration: The Pan-Syndemic and Its Impact on Migrants. Two Homelands, 2021(54).


