Prisrčno vabljeni na … Oddaljena udeležba na kraljevski poroki


  • Marlene Hugoson The Institute for Language and Folklore, Department of Dialectology and Folklore Research in Uppsala (DFU) Research, Box 135 751 04 Uppsala, Sweden


Ključne besede:

royal wedding, distanced participation, village promotion, Ockelbo // oddaljena udeležba, slavnosti, kraljevska poroka, promocija podeželja, Ockelbo


On 19 June 2010 Swedish Crown Princess Victoria married Mr Daniel Westling. The wedding was celebrated not only in the capital city of Stockholm, but also in the groom’s home village, where some 6,000 people assembled to watch and celebrate the wedding beneath a giant television screen placed in a country field. As examples of this type of distanced participation become more noticeable in the ritual year, the phenomenon becomes increasingly interesting to follow. This time the investigation leads to the small village of Ockelbo, Sweden, where the municipality organised a large-scale village feast and consciously rooted the performance in the rural identity of the area.


19. junija 2010 se je švedska kronska princesa Viktorija poročila z Danielom Westlingom. Poroke niso praznovali le v švedski prestolnici Stockholmu, marveč tudi v ženinovi domači vasi, kjer se je okrog 6000 ljudi zbralo k ogledu in praznovanju poroke pred ogromnim televizijskim zaslonom, nameščenim na podeželskem polju. Ker so primeri tovrstne oddaljene udeležbe v okviru ritualnega leta vse pogostejši, je ta fenomen postal zanimivejši za opazovanje. Tokrat je preiskava vodila v malo vasico Ockelbo na Švedskem, kjer je mestna občina organizirala obsežno vaško praznovanje in zavestno utemeljila izvedbo v ruralni identiteti področja.


Podatki o prenosih še niso na voljo.


British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC). 2012. Webbsite with information on the classical music festival, The BBC Proms.

Dialekt- och folkminnesarkivet i Uppsala. Marlene Hugoson’s documentation of the Ockelbo Celebration of the Swedish Royal Wedding on June 19 2010.

Fournier, Laurent Sébastien. 2006. Agrarian Festivals and the Ritual Year in Mediterranean France – Preserving Traditions or Building Heritage? In: Mifsud-Chircop, George (ed.), First International Conference of the SIEF Working Group on The Ritual Year. Msida: Publishers Enterprise Group.

Gaspar, Kinga. 2011. Self-Reflexivity and ’Casting’ in Cultural Performances. Paper presented at the SIE F Ritual Year Conference in Ljubljana, November 12 2011.

Hobsbawm, Eric. 2005 (1983). Mass-Producing Traditions: Europe, 1870-1914. In: Hobsbawm, Erik and Ranger, Terence (eds.), The Invention of Tradition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Hugoson, Marlene. 2007. Den alternativa nobelfesten. En tv-publiks festdeltagande. In: Hugoson, Marlene (ed.), Bodil lajv. Festskrift till Bodil Nildin-Wall den 18 januari 2007. Uppsala: (Private publication).

Hugoson, Marlene. 2007. The Popular Nobel Prize Award Banquet. The Distanced Participation of an Interacting TV -Audience. In: Midholm, Lina, Nordström, Annika and Agozzino, Maria Teresa (eds.), The Ritual Year and Ritual Diversity. Proceedings of the Second International conference of The SIEF Working Group on the Ritual Year, Gothenburg June 7-11, 2006. Göteborg: Institutet för språk och folkminnen.

Hugoson, Marlene. 2011. Reinventing Rituals of Death. New Expressions of Private and Public Mourning in Sweden. In: Lyle, Emily, Butler, Jenny, and Bek-Pedersen, Karen (eds.), The Ritual Year and Gender. Proceedings of the Fourth International conference of The SIEF Working Group on the Ritual Year, Cork June 22-26, 2008. Edinburgh: Cosmos.

Järnkvist, Monica (ed.). 2011. Ockelbo. En sammanställning av året som gått. (Rapport från Ockelbo kommun). Ockelbo: Ockelbo kommun.

Nordiska museet, Stockholm. Jessika Wallin’s photographic documentation of the Ockelbo Celebration of the Swedish Royal Wedding on June 19 2010.

Povedak, Istvan. 2011. ‘Reinvented-invented-copied-traditional-cultural’ Festivals in contemporary Hungary. Paper presented at the SIE F Ritual Year Conference in Ljubljana, November 13 2011. To be published in 2012.

Sveriges radio (SR). 2010. Sommarkonsert on P4, June 19th.

Sveriges television (SVT). 2010a. Kortegen on SVT 1, June 19th.

Sveriges television (SVT). 2010b. Vigseln on SVT 1, June 19th.



Kako citirati

Hugoson, M. (2012). Prisrčno vabljeni na … Oddaljena udeležba na kraljevski poroki. Traditiones, 41(1), 197–207.



Co-designing Performances, Co-designing Heritages / So-oblikovanje uprizoritev, so-oblikovanje dediščin