Culture or Commerce: Framing Heritage in the Context of Municipal Subsidies. The Annual St. Nicholas Parade in the Netherlands


  • John Helsloot The Meertens Institute, Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW), Joan Muyskenweg 25, 1096 CJ Amsterdam



ritual, framing, cultural policy // ritual, okvirjenje, kulturna politika


This article focuses on the practical effects of ethnology’s framing of ritual. It examines the attitude of Dutch municipalities towards subsidizing the annual St. Nicholas parade. Some are in favor, considering the parade an element of tradition. Others are opposed, arguing that the parade is a commercial activity. Because the parade, and much other ritual, has both cultural and commercial facets, the author encourages ethnology to design a more fitting, encompassing concept.


Članek obravnava praktične učinke etnološkega uokvirjenja rituala, pri čemer posebej razišče odnos nizozemskih občin do subvencioniranja Miklavževega sprevoda. Nekatere so mu naklonjene, saj jo imajo za sestavni del tradicije. Druge pa mu nasprotujejo in trdijo, da je sprevod komercialna dejavnost. Ker ima parada, pa tudi mnogi drugi rituali, tako kulturno kot komercialno plat, avtor pomaga etnologiji ustvariti ustreznejši, širše zastavljen koncept.


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How to Cite

Helsloot, J. (2012). Culture or Commerce: Framing Heritage in the Context of Municipal Subsidies. The Annual St. Nicholas Parade in the Netherlands. Traditiones, 41(1), 137–146.



Co-designing Performances, Co-designing Heritages / So-oblikovanje uprizoritev, so-oblikovanje dediščin