Znanstvenik proti poganu pri obravnavi hoje okrog dreves v okviru poganske tradicije »greencraft«. Spoznavanje, predstava in interpretacija


  • Léon A. van Gulik Department of Social and Cultural Psychology, Radboud University, Nijmegen, the Netherlands



Ključne besede:

contemporary Paganism, Greencraft, double hermeneutic, reflexivity, reactivity // sodobno poganstvo, dvojna hermenevtika, refleksivnost, reaktivnost


This article offers an ethnography of a tree walk ritual of the Belgian Greencraft Wicca movement. The description is employed to discuss the notions of reflexivity, reactivity, and the double hermeneutic. By interpreting the data, the author concludes that the double hermeneutic is a problem of different contexts rather than between different groups. Attunement and suspension of disbelief are singled out as means to overcome misunderstandings between the scholar and the researched.


Članek predstavi etnografijo rituala hoje okrog dreves belgijskega gibanja Greencraft Wicca. Opis služi kot pomoč za razpravo o pojmih refleksivnosti, reaktivnosti in dvojne hermenevtike. Na podlagi interpretacije podatkov avtor ugotovi, da je dvojna hermenevtika problem različnih kontekstov in ne toliko različnih skupin. Prilagoditev in razrešitev dvomov sta izpostavljeni kot načina preseganja nesporazumov med raziskovalcem [scholar] in raziskovanim.


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Kako citirati

van Gulik, L. A. (2012). Znanstvenik proti poganu pri obravnavi hoje okrog dreves v okviru poganske tradicije »greencraft«. Spoznavanje, predstava in interpretacija. Traditiones, 41(1), 47–63. https://doi.org/10.3986/Traditio2012410105



Performances, Performers, Researchers / Uprizoritve, izvajalci, raziskovalci