Upravljanje in vzpostavljanje zvestobe v škotskem prazniku clavie


  • Thomas A. McKean University of Aberdeen, The Elphinstone Institute, MacRobert Building, King’s College, Aberdeen, AB 24 5UA



Ključne besede:

Tradition, Negotiation, Calendar Custom, Creativity, Stability // tradicija, pogajanje, koledarski ritual, kreativnost, stabilnost


This paper looks at a Scottish fire festival, the “burning of the Clavie” at Burghead in the North East of Scotland, and its practitioners in relation to external authorities, particularly the police and regional political administrators. Internal and external pressures for change and stability are examined and author explores the negotiation between insiders and outsiders that co-create the ritual as it is practiced today.


V razpravi avtor najprej tematizira škotski praznik, “kres Clavie” v Burgheadu na severovzhodu Škotske, izvajalce in njihovo razmerje z oblastmi, posebej policijo in regionalno politično upravo; nato obravnava notranje in zunanje pritiske, ki vplivajo na ohranjanje ali spreminjanje rituala, ter raziskuje pogajanja med notranjimi in zunanjimi akterji, ki so-ustvarjajo današnjo podobo rituala.


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Kako citirati

McKean, T. A. (2012). Upravljanje in vzpostavljanje zvestobe v škotskem prazniku clavie. Traditiones, 41(1), 23–36. https://doi.org/10.3986/Traditio2012410103



Performances, Performers, Researchers / Uprizoritve, izvajalci, raziskovalci