Vidiki tradicije


  • Saša Poljak Istenič ZRC SAZU Institute of Slovenian Ethnology, Novi trg 2, SI -1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia


Ključne besede:

tradition, ethnology, anthropology, identity, tourism // tradicija, etnologija, antropologija, identiteta, turizem


In ethnology and anthropology, the term tradition usually denotes transmission over time and continuity of phenomena, while recent views also highlight other aspects. Because of disappearance of “typical” cultural phenomena it became a value. Since it has connected people on many levels, it can be perceived as a means of identity politics. At the same time it becomes a strategy to strengthen a sense of belonging and achieve diverse goals. These aspects are presented with some empirical examples.


V etnologiji in antropologiji izraz tradicija navadno označuje prenašanje kulture skoz čas in kontinuiteto kulturnih pojavov, medtem ko novejši pogledi poudarjajo tudi druge vidike. Zaradi izginjanja »značilnih« kulturnih fenomenov je postala vrednota. Ker povezuje ljudi na mnogih ravneh, jo razumemo kot sredstvo identitetne politike. Hkrati postaja tudi strategija za krepitev občutkov pripadnosti in za dosego drugih ciljev. Ti vidiki so vzorčno predstavljeni z empiričnimi zgledi.


Podatki o prenosih še niso na voljo.


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Vepsäläinen, Mia and Kati Pitkänen. 2010. Second Home Countryside: Representations of the Rural in Finnish Popular Discourses. Journal of Rural Studies 26 (2): 194–204. DOI:



Kako citirati

Poljak Istenič, S. (2012). Vidiki tradicije. Traditiones, 41(2), 77–89.



Tradition and Heritage: Different Aspects and Appropriations / Tradicija in dediščina. Mnogoteri vidiki in prisvojitve