Charley Patton med sakralnim in profanim


  • Jane Weber Radio Slovenija, Tavčarjeva 17, 1550 Ljubljana


Ključne besede:

blues, gospel, spiritual, posvetna in sakralna glasba, glasbena industrija, gramofonske plošče


Prispevek obravnava sakralne skladbe Charleyja Pattona, posnete med letoma 1929 in 1934 na gramofonskih ploščah z 78 o/min. Na njih so dokumentirane Pattonove številne glasbene značilnosti. Moč njegove glasbe je na primer pogosto najočitnejša v njegovih spiritualih in gospelih. Avtor preučuje ločnico med posvetno in sakralno glasbo v Pattonovi glasbeni zapuščini in širše v afroameriški kulturi, pri čemer se osredinja na prehajanja te ločnice in prepletanje glasbenih slogov ter ugotavlja, da se je Patton v glasbenih izvedbah zlahka sprehajal med sakralnim in posvetnim.


Podatki o prenosih še niso na voljo.


Amalietti, Peter. 2011. Sodobna glasbena teorija. Ljubljana: Amalietti in Amalietti.

Calt, Stephen in Gayle Wardlow. 1988. King Of The Delta Blues: The Life And Music Of Charlie Patton. Newton: Rock Chapel Press.

Conforth, Bruce in Gayle Dean Wardlow. 2019. Up Jumped The Devil: The Real Life of Robert Johnson. Chicago: Chicago Review Press.

Dixon, Robert M. W. in John Godrich. 1970. Recording The Blues. London: Studio Vista.

Dixon, Robert M. W., John Godrich in Howard Rye. 1997. Blues & Gospel Records 1890–1943. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Evans, David. 1982. Big Road Blues: Tradition & Creativity in the Folk Blues. Berkeley: University of California Press.

Evans, David. 1993. Goin’ Up The Country: Blues in Texas and the Deep South. V: Lawrence Cohn (ur.), Nothing But the Blues: The Music and the Musicians. New York, London in Paris: Abbeville Press, 33–85.

Evans, David. 2005. Osebna komunikacija z Davidom Evansom. 27. 5.

Evans, David. 2010. Osebna komunikacija z Davidom Evansom. 27. 8. (e-pošta).

Evans, David. 2018. Charley Patton: The Conscience Of The Delta. V: Robert Sacré (ur.), Charley Patton: Voice Of The Mississippi Delta. Jackson: University Press Of Mississippi, 23–137.

Fahey, John. 1970. Charley Patton. London: Studio Vista.

Feldmann, Tom. 2019. Osebna komunikacija s Tomom Feldmannom. 11. 2. (e-pošta).

Ferris, William. 1970. Blues From The Delta. London: Studio Vista.

Gronow, Pekka. 2014. The World’s Greatest Sound Archive. Traditiones 43 (2): 31–49. DOI:

Grossman, Stefan. 1969. Delta Blues: Oak Anthology of Blues Guitar. New York: Oak Publications.

Harris, Michael W. 1992. The Rise Of Gospel Blues: The Music of Thomas Andrew Dorsey in the Urban Church. New York in Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Hawkins, Ernie. 2004. Gospel Guitar of Rev. Gary Davis. Sparta: Stefan Grossman’s Guitar Workshop (Mel Bay).

Humphrey, Mark A. 1993. Holy Blues: The Gospel Tradition. V: Lawrence Cohn (ur.), Nothing But The Blues: The Music And The Musicians. New York, London in Paris: Abbeville Press, 107–149.

Kunej, Drago. 2010. Kako hitro se vrtijo plošče z 78 o/min? Muzikološki zbornik 46 (2): 175–184.

Kunej, Drago. 2014a. Med kodami skrita zvočna dediščina Slovencev. Glasnik SED 54 (1–2): 22–28.

Kunej, Drago. 2014b. Gramofon v službi sakralne glasbe? Muzikološki zbornik 50 (2): 279–291.

Middleton, Richard. 1972. Pop Music And The Blues: A Study Of The Relationship And Its Significance. London: Victor Gollancz.

Murko, Matija. 1951. Tragom srbsko-hrvatske narodne epike: Putovanja u godinama 1930–1932. Zagreb: Jugloslavenska akademija nauka i umjetnosti.

Oliver, Paul. 1982. The Blues Songbook. London: Wise Publications.

Patton, Charley. 2001. Screamin’ and Hollerin’ the Blues: The Worlds of Charley Patton. Nashville: Revenant Records. CD.

Peyton, Josh »The Reverend«. 2019. Osebna komunikacija z Joshom Peytonom »The Reverend«. 12. 2. (e-pošta).

Ratcliffe, Philip R. 2011. Mississippi John Hurt: His Life, His Times, His Blues. Jackson: University Press Of Mississippi.

Sacré, Robert (ur.). 2018. Charley Patton: Voice Of The Mississippi Delta. Jackson: University Press of Mississippi.

Taft, Michael. 2006. The Blues Lyric Formula. New York: Routledge.

Ulanov, Barry. 1958 (1952). Historija jazza u Americi. Rijeka: Otokar Keršovani.

Wald, Elijah. 2007 (2001). Bijeg iz Delte: Robert Johnson i povijest bluesa. Koprivnica: Šareni Dućan.

Wardlow, Gayle Dean. 1998. Chasin That Devil Music: Searching for the Blues. San Francisco: Miller Freeman Books.

Weissman, Dick. 2005. Blues: The Basics. New York in Oxon: Routledge.

Wynne, Ben. 2014. In Tune: Charley Patton, Jimmie Rodgers, And The Roots of American Music. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press.




Kako citirati

Weber, J. (2019). Charley Patton med sakralnim in profanim. Traditiones, 48(2), 149–180.

