Proti ustvarjalnosti. Ohlapno strukturirane misli o ohlapno definirani temi


  • Blaž Bajič School of Humanities, Philosophical Faculty, University of Eastern Finland, FI-80101 Joensuu, Finland


Ključne besede:

creativity, neoliberalism, critique, Ljubljana, Tim Ingold // ustvarjalnost, neoliberalizem, kritika, Tim Ingold


This article addresses the notion of creativity by following its use in a discourse common to a heterogeneous group of social agents. It is argued that creativity, with an associated notional framework, shapes a depoliticized way of imagining communities, places, and society. It is claimed that such an approach prevents us from properly grasping the form of social processes under scrutiny and must be rejected.


Prispevek obravnava pojem ustvarjalnosti, tako da sledi njegovi rabi v diskurzu, ki je skupen heterogeni skupini družbenih akterjev. Skupaj s povezanim pojmovnim ozadjem ustvarjalnost oblikuje depolitiziran način predstavljanja skupnosti, krajev in družbe. Teza prispevka je, da takšen pristop onemogoča, da bi ustrezno zajeli oblike družbenih procesov, ki jih preučujemo, in ga je zato treba zavrniti.


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Kako citirati

Bajič, B. (2017). Proti ustvarjalnosti. Ohlapno strukturirane misli o ohlapno definirani temi. Traditiones, 46(1-2), 189–207.



Essays on Creativity / Razprave o ustvarjalnosti - Edited by / Uredila Saša Poljak Istenič