Kulturni spomin, ples step, predstavitev in uprizoritev. Preučitev predstave Tearmann in velika lakota


  • Catherine E. Foley The Irish World Academy of Music and Dance, University of Limerick, Castletroy, Limerick, V94 T9PX, Ireland



Ključne besede:

Cultural memory, Great Famine, Ireland, step dancing, Siamsa Tíre, folk theatre // kulturni spomin, velika lakota, Irska, step, ljudsko gledališče


This paper examines the concept of cultural memory and explores how it shapes and is shaped by theatrical representation and performance. To this end, the paper focuses on one historical and cultural event in Ireland, the Great Famine of 1845–1849, and examines its folk theatrical representation in the production, Tearmann (translated Refuge),1 produced by Siamsa Tíre, the National Folk Theatre of Ireland. It also examines how dancing played an important role in the production and how it assisted in shaping, and being shaped by, cultural memories of the Great Famine.


V prispevku je preučen koncept kulturnega spomina, raziskano je, kako se oblikuje in je oblikovan v gledaliških reprezentacijah in izvedbah. V ta namen se avtorica osredinja na veliko lakoto v letih 1845–1849 kot pomemben kulturnozgodovinski dogodek in preučuje njeno ljudsko gledališko predstavitev Tearmann (v irskem jeziku pomeni zatočišče), ki ga izvaja Siamsa Tíre (Irsko nacionalno ljudsko gledališče, The National Folk Theatre of Ireland). Zanima jo, kako pomembno vlogo ima ples v obravnavani uprizoritvi in kako prispeva k oblikovanju (in je oblikovan) v kulturnem spominu na veliko lakoto.


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Kako citirati

Foley, C. E. (2015). Kulturni spomin, ples step, predstavitev in uprizoritev. Preučitev predstave Tearmann in velika lakota. Traditiones, 44(2), 135–148. https://doi.org/10.3986/Traditio2015440207



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