Politična retorika in oglaševanje v digitalni dobi


  • Anneli Baran Department of Folkloristics, Estonian Literary Museum, 50003 Tartu, Estonia



Ključne besede:

internet, social media, journalism, politicians, figurative language // internet, socialni mediji, novinarstvo, politiki, figurativni jezik


The Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement began attracting wider attention in Estonia in January and February 2012. News of furious speeches and demonstrations all over the world also reached Estonia. Appeals to people to come out and express their opinion were made on social networks, where various communities were created. However, the attributes used in the demonstrations were mostly inspired by well-known Estonian politicians’ speeches. Politicians have caught on to the influence of the web and they use various opportunities to broadcast their opinions and conduct political lobbying.


V Estoniji je trgovinski sporazum za boj proti ponarejanju pritegnil večjo pozornost v januarju in februarju 2012. Prav tako so dosegle Estonijo novice o demonstracijah po vsem svetu. Socialna omrežja, kjer so bile oblikovane različne skupnosti, so pozivala ljudi, naj se zberejo in izrazijo svoje mnenje. Vendar so se protestniki pri rabi in repertoarju stališč večinoma zgledovali znanih estonskih politikih, ki so uporabili splet, da bi tudi na ta način lahko posredovali svoja stališča in politično lobirali.


Podatki o prenosih še niso na voljo.


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Kako citirati

Baran, A. (2016). Politična retorika in oglaševanje v digitalni dobi. Traditiones, 45(3), 27–42. https://doi.org/10.3986/Traditio2016450303



Estonia Online