“Ne potrebujemo še enega junaka!” Pomen slavnih osebnosti v času poresnice


  • Dan Podjed Institute of Slovenian Ethnology, Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Novi trg 2, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia



Ključne besede:

Donald Trump, Ivan Kramberger, celebrities, politics, pseudo-events // Donald Trump, slavne osebe, politika, psevdo-dogodki


The article presents and compares the rise of two self-made politicians, Donald Trump in the US and Ivan Kramberger of Slovenia. Their presidential candidacies were based of their fame and fortune, rather than on the basis of their political experience. The author notes that the self-promotion strategies, utilised by Trump and Kramberger, are not used only politicians, but also by other outstanding individuals who take care of their own popularity with pseudo-events, spread through the media and online networks.


Prispevek predstavi in primerja vzpon dveh samoniklih politikov, Donalda Trumpa v ZDA in Ivana Krambergerja v Sloveniji. Oba sta za predsednika države kandidirala na temeljih svoje slave in bogastva, namesto na podlagi političnih izkušenj. Avtor ugotavlja, da podobnih strategij samouprizarjanja kot Trump in Kramberger ne uporabljajo le politiki, temveč tudi drugi izstopajoči posamezniki, ki skrbijo za lastno priljubljenost s psevdo-dogodki, ki jih širijo po medijih in spletnih omrežjih.


Podatki o prenosih še niso na voljo.


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Kako citirati

Podjed, D. (2016). “Ne potrebujemo še enega junaka!” Pomen slavnih osebnosti v času poresnice. Traditiones, 45(1), 7–20. https://doi.org/10.3986/Traditio2016450101



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