Junaki, vodje naroda




Ključne besede:

heroes, leaders, nation, metaphor, sign // junaki, vodje, narod, metafora, znak


This thematic issue of Traditiones is dedicated to heroes and national leaders, and is mainly compiled from papers presented at a conference in Ljubljana in December 2013. The publication of these papers in 2014 presents an opportunity to remember the hundredth anniversary of the beginning of the First World War and at the same time offers a framework for reflections on how individual leaders in Europe or on its margins influenced and guided the masses in times of peace and war, and in times of crisis and catastrophe.


Tematska izdaja Traditiones je posvečena vprašanju herojev oz. vodij naroda in je nastala predvsem na osnovi prispevkov, predstavljenih na konferenci oktobra 2013 v Ljubljani. Objava razprav v letu 2014 je priložnost za obujanje spominov na stoletnico začetka 1. svetovne vojne in je hkrati okvir za premislek o tem, kako so posamični voditelji v Evropi ali na njenem robu vplivali in vodili množice v mirnih in vojnih časih, v času kriz in katastrof.


Podatki o prenosih še niso na voljo.


Assmann, Jan and John Czaplicka. 1995. Collective Memory and Cultural Identity. New German Critique 65: 125–133. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.2307/488538

Belaj, Marijana and Nevena Škrbić Alempijević. 2014. Remembering “The Father of the Contem-porary State of Croatia”. The Celebration of Tuđman’s Birthday in His Birthplace. Traditiones 43 (1). DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3986/traditio2014430107

Demski, Dagnosław. 2014. Jan Sobieski. Anniversaries of the 1683 Battle of Vienna (from 1783 to 1983) and its Historical Imagination. Traditiones 43 (1). DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3986/traditio2014430103

Fikfak, Jurij. 2009. Cultural and Social Representations on the Border: From Disagreement to Coexistence. Human Affairs 19 (4): 350–362. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.2478/v10023-009-0049-1

Fikfak, Jurij. 2014. We Need a Leader Larger than Life. Traditiones 43 (1): DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3986/Traditio2014430110

Fukuyama, Francis. 2014. Political Order and Political Decay. From the Industrial Revolution to the Globalization of Democracy. MacMillan. Farrar, Straus and Giroux.

Herzfeld, Michael. 2001. Anthropology. Theoretical Practice in Culture and Society. Oxford: Blackwell.

Jezernik, Božidar, ed. 2013. Heroji in slavne osebnosti na Slovenskem. Ljubljana: Znanstvena založba FF (Zupaničeva knjižnica 38),

Jezernik, Božidar. 2014. A Group Portrait with an Austrian Marshal, an Honorary Citizen of Ljubljana. Traditiones 43 (1). DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3986/traditio2014430104

Komel, Dean. 2014. Jože Pučnik. Personal Freedom, Culture, and Politics. Traditiones 43 (1). DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3986/traditio2014430109

North, Douglas. 1990. Institutions, Institutional Change and Economic Performance. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

North, Douglas.1991. Institutions. The Journal of Economic Perspectives 5 (1): 97–112.

Peirce, Charles Sanders. 1958–1966. Collected papers (cited as/navedeno s CP). Charles Hartshorne and Paul Weiss (eds.) vols. 1–6; A. W. Burks (ed.) vols. 7–8. Cambridge: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press.

Pletenac, Tomislav. 2014. From Conviction to Heroism. The Case of a Croatian War General. Traditiones 43 (1). DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3986/traditio2014430108

Povedák, István. 2014. “Survivor Heroes” and Rising Heroes. Discrepancies in the Contemporary Hero Cult. Traditiones 43 (1). DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3986/traditio2014430106

Turkoz, Meltem. 2014. Fathering the Nation: From Mustafa Kemal to Atatürk. Traditiones 43 (1). DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3986/traditio2014430105



Kako citirati

Fikfak, J. (2017). Junaki, vodje naroda. Traditiones, 43(1), 7–11. https://doi.org/10.3986/Traditio2014430101