Problematika zaščite magnetofonskih zvočnih zbirk v raziskovalnih zvočnih arhivih


  • Drago Kunej Glasbenonarodopisni inštitut ZRC SAZU, Novi trg 2, 1000 Ljubljana


Ključne besede:

zvočni arhiv, magnetofonski trak, zaščita, arhiviranje, konzerviranje // Sound archives, magnetic tape, preservation, archiving, konservation


Čeprav magnetofonski trakovi niso bili predvideni kot dolgoročni arhivski nosilec, imajo lahko ob ustrezni uporabi in hrambi razmeroma dolgo življenjsko dobo. Vendar kaže danes veliko zvočnega gradiva, posnetega na magnetofonskih trakovih in drugih sorodnih nosilcih, znake propadanja in poškodb, in to predvsem zaradi premalo skrbnega ravnanja z njim in izpostavljanja pogojem, ki ogrožajo njegovo življenjsko dobo. V prispevku so predstavljene temeljne lastnosti magnetofonskih trakov in ohranjanje magnetofonske zvočne zbirke v GNI. Podane so smernice za varovanje takšnih, večinoma unikatnih zvočnih zbirk v raziskovalnih zvočnih arhivih.


Even though it has not been designed for permanent storage in archives, magnetic tape can have a relatively long life expectancy – provided that it is adequately handled and stored. Yet many sound collection recorded on magnetic tape or by similar sound carriers, exhibit damage and signs of degradation. This is mainly due to improper handling and storing conditions that shorten the tape’s longevity and lead to information loss. The paper will examine the basic characteristics of magnetic tape, explain the priciples of protection and preservation of magnetic tape sound collections at the Institute of Ethnomusicology at the Scientific Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Aciences and Arts, and offer recommendations for protection standards of sound collections, most of which are unique, in research sound archives.


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Kako citirati

Kunej, D. (2004). Problematika zaščite magnetofonskih zvočnih zbirk v raziskovalnih zvočnih arhivih. Traditiones, 33(2), 217–228.