Pustovanje. Ločnice in prehodi


  • Tina Volarič



Ključne besede:

ločnice, vloge, pustovanje, Drežnica, semiotika kulture // boundaries, relationships, Carnival, semiotics of culture


Za organizacijo pustovanja v Drežnici v celoti skrbi vaška fantovščina. Njeni člani so tudi edini nosilci pustnih mask, pomembni po-ustvarjalci odnosov v vasi in predstavniki povezanosti vaške skupnosti. Kolikšno vlogo imajo v ustvarjanju in interpretaciji pustovanja druge skupine v vasi, ki so izključene iz središčno-tvornih procesov pustovanja? Prispevek pokaže, kako so izključene skupine z ločnicami strogo ločene od aktivnega fantovskega središča, a skupaj z njimi ustvarjajo območje srečevanj ali, enkrat v prihodnje, mogoče spremembe.


Carnival organization in Drežnica is entirely in the hands of the village’s community of young men, who are also the only bearers of the Carnival costumes. They are important re-creators of the relationships in the village and they represent its togetherness. What part in creating and interpreting Carnival is played by other groups in the village that are excluded from the central processes of creating the Carnival celebration? This article shows how the excluded groups are strictly separated from the active center of young men through boundaries, but at the same time they also exist in a zone of confrontation, or even potential change someday.


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Kako citirati

Volarič, T. (2008). Pustovanje. Ločnice in prehodi. Traditiones, 37(1), 47–78. https://doi.org/10.3986/Traditio2008370103



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