A Past that does not Pass?: Unreconciled Past in the Present and Future of Istria





unreconciled past, “exodus”, Istria, future, trauma, silenced memory, identity


In the article, the author argues that the future is conditioned by the past – especially when the inhabitants have not come to terms with their history, as shown by the case study conducted in the Slovenian part of Istria. Examining the codification of the geographical name for Slovenian Istria demonstrates how important landmarks from the recent past influence local identity. In doing so, she analyzes silence and the relationship between the urban and rural. She argues that by erasing the past that was characteristic of socialism, the future “returns” to the past, especially in traumatized societies that have not come to terms with it.


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How to Cite

Hrobat Virloget, K. (2023). A Past that does not Pass?: Unreconciled Past in the Present and Future of Istria. Traditiones, 51(3), 121–139. https://doi.org/10.3986/Traditio2022510306



Urbane prihodnosti / Urban futures