Folk-Song Research – Between Text and Context
folkloristika, folklora, ljudska pesem, tekst, kontekst // folklore studies, folklore, folk-song, text, contextAbstract
Raziskovanje ljudske pesmi kot dela folkloristike, ki se osredotoča na simbolne identitete skupin, je mogoče skozi več različno orientiranih raziskovalnih paradigem. Poglaviten premik v raziskovanju pomeni premik od raziskovanja teksta k raziskovanju konteksta, ki ga lahko delimo na ožji kontekst izvedbe in širši kontekst, ki nanj vpliva. Predstavljeno je vprašanje sinhronega in diahronega vidika raziskovanja folklore ter vloga raziskovalca pri oblikovanju podobe ljudskopesemske tradicije.
Folk-song research as a part of folklore studies focusing on symbolic identities is possible using research paradigms with various orientations. The main shift in research is the transition from text-oriented research towards studying the context: in the narrower sense, the context of the performance, which in turn is influenced by the broader context. The issues of synchronic and diachronic aspects of folklore research, as well as the role of the researcher in forming the image of folk-song tradition, are also examined.
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