Material Traces of Culture. Holidays and the Slovenian Festive Table in the 20th and the 21st Centuries
prehrana, koledarski prazniki, Slovenija, 20. in 21. stoletje // food culture, calendar holidays, Slovenia, 20th and 21st centuryAbstract
Praznične jedi, njihova priprava, oblika, bogastvo in regionalna raznovrstnost so področja kulture prehranjevanja, ki so bila v etnoloških delih najpogosteje obravnavana. Že v 19. stoletju so se narodopisci poleg duhovne kulture zanimali še za nekatere sestavine materialne kulture, tudi za praznične jedi, ki naj bi izražale posebnost in izvirnost kulture naroda oz. etnične skupine. Manj je etnoloških del, ki bi obravnavala druga področja prehrane, npr. vsakdanje jedilne obroke, navade pri jedi, prehrano socialnih in starostnih skupin, spremembe v prehrani. Avtorica v članku obravnava manj raziskano področje kulture prehrane Slovencev – praznične jedi in jedilne obroke ter njihovo spreminjanje v 20. in v 21. stoletju.
Festive food and its preparation, variety, wealth of different shapes, and regional diversity are the themes most often dealt with in ethnological literature. Apart from spiritual culture ethnographers were interested in certain elements of material culture already in the 19th century, believing that festive foods expressed special characteristics and original features of a nation or an ethnic group. Ethnological texts dealing with other areas of food culture, for example with meals, eating habits, food culture of different social and age groups, or changes in tradition, have been rare. The author examines a less researched area of the food culture of Slovenes, namely festive food and meals, and their transformation in the 20th and in the 21st centuries.
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