Genrefication of Slovenian Folksongs: A Reflection, or Views on Their Development
tipologija, ljudska pesem, pripovedna pesem, orientacija folkloristike // typology, folksong, ballad, orientation of folklore studiesAbstract
V prispevku sta ob pregledu oblikovanja tipologije slovenskih ljudskih pesmi analizirana razvoj slovenske folkloristične misli in orientacija slovenske folkloristike. Vprašanje zvrstnosti slovenskih ljudskih pesmi je poudarjeno kot vprašanje prioritet, s katerimi se izražajo prioritete družbe. Ob razgledu po drugačnih konceptih prispevek problematizira vlogo institucionaliziranega folklorističnega raziskovanja in opozarja na nujnost premisleka teh vprašanj. Prevrednotenje teh pogledov namreč pomeni tudi prevrednotenje današnjega razumevanja ljudskosti.
This paper analyzes the development of the conceptualization and orientation of Slovenian folklore studies based on an overview of how the typology of Slovenian folksongs was shaped. The issue of Slovenian folksong genrefication is highlighted as an issue of priorities that reflect society’s priorities. By examining various approaches, the paper discusses the role of institutionalized research in folklore studies and draws attention to the necessity of reflecting on these issues. Reevaluating these views also implies reevaluating today’s understanding of “folk character.”
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