The Upper Savinja Valley Stomach Sausage – A Narrative of Space, Diet, and People


  • Maja Godina Golija ZRC SAZU, Institute of Slovenian Ethnology, Novi trg 2, SI-1000 Ljubljana



food, Upper Savinja Valley stomach sausage, dried meats, Savinja Alps, food heritage


The author discusses the history, methods of production, and use of the Upper Savinja Valley stomach sausage, an excellent dry meat product, which is firmly embedded in economic and ritual practices of the inhabitants of the Savinja Alps. Through the examination of the production, consumption, donation, and promotion of the Upper Savinja Valley stomach sausage, we are acquainted with the lives of the people along the upper reaches of the Savinja River, their connection with food heritage, their values, norms, and social differentiation. The author also aims to answer the question of the role of food beyond its physiological significance and material substance.



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How to Cite

Godina Golija, M. (2020). The Upper Savinja Valley Stomach Sausage – A Narrative of Space, Diet, and People. Traditiones, 49(3), 35–52.



Food Heritage-Making between the Alps and the Adriatic