Reframing Agency in the Face of Global Challenges

The Problem of Plastic Waste


  • Tatiana Bajuk Senčar ZRC SAZU, Institute of Slovenian Ethnology, Novi trg 2, 1000 Ljubljana



waste crisis, plastic waste, agency, miasma, circular economy, plastic-free stores, Slovenia


This article is a discussion of the issue of agency in an age defined by common challenges that manifest themselves both locally and globally. In particular, the author argues for a dispersed, non-linear understanding of individual agency as it relates to the global crisis of plastic waste as a way of examining and assessing strategies of change.


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How to Cite

Bajuk Senčar, T. (2020). Reframing Agency in the Face of Global Challenges: The Problem of Plastic Waste. Traditiones, 49(1), 37–53.



Transforming sustainability / Preobrazba trajnostnega razvoja