Banal Nationalism, National Symbols, and the Concept of Native Species


  • Branislava Vičar Filozofska fakulteta Univerze v Mariboru, Koroška cesta 160, 2000 Maribor, Slovenija



banalni nacionalizem, nacionalna simbolika, živali avtohtonih vrst, soška postrv, diskurz ohranitve vrste, objektivizacija živali, speciesizem // banal nationalism, national symbolism, animals of native species, marble trout, discourse of species conservation, objectivisation of animals, speciesism


Prispevek obravnava vključitev živali avtohtonih vrst v imaginarij nacionalne simbolike in njegovo vlogo pri konstrukciji naroda in nacionalne identitete. Koncept avtohtone vrste je predstavljen z analizo različnih vidikov reprezentacije živali avtohtonih vrst v medijskem diskurzu. Raziskava primera soške postrvi pokaže, da dodelitev statusa »nacionalnosti« zmanjšuje možnosti prepoznavanja intrinzične vrednosti živali avtohtonih vrst, obenem pa uveljavlja hierarhizacijo živalskih vrst, ki se razširja na obliko genetskega normativa.


The article deals with the inclusion of animals of native species in the imagery of national symbolism and its role in the construction of the nation and national identity. The concept of a native species is presented by analyzing various aspects of the representation of animals of native species in media discourse. The case study of the marble trout shows that the assignment of the status of “nationality” reduces the possibilities of recognizing the intrinsic value of animals of native species, and at the same time establishes the hierarchy of animal species that extends into a genetic normative.


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How to Cite

Vičar, B. (2018). Banal Nationalism, National Symbols, and the Concept of Native Species. Traditiones, 47(2), 131–151.

