Folk Song Today: Between Function and Aesthetics
folklore, folklorism, re-creation, Faronika the Fish, function, aesthetics // ljudska pesem, folklora, folklorizem, poustvarjanje, Riba Faronika, funkcija, estetikaAbstract
The paper deals with the question of the classification of the folk song today. With regard to its lost original context, has the folk song really become no more than an esthetic artifact, or have new circumstances reconstructed the context and thus added a new functional dimension to the folk song? In addition, the author discusses the new communication channels used to reintegrate the folk song in its traditional environment based on the example of the song “Riba Faronika nosi svet” (Faronika the Fish Bears the World).
Razprava se loteva vprašanja o tem, v katero semantično polje uvrščamo ljudsko pesem danes. Ali je zaradi izgube izvirnega konteksta res samo še estetsko dejstvo ali pa zaradi novih okoliščin, ki rekonstruirajo sam kontekst, ponovno lahko opazujemo tudi njeno funkcijsko razsežnost? Avtorica se v razpravi sprašuje tudi o novih komunikacijskih kanalih, po katerih ljudska pesem (na primeru pesmi Riba Faronika nosi svet) ponovno vstopa v tradicionalno okolje.
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