German “Linguistic Island” or a Linguistically Mixed Region?: Multilingual Practices in the Kočevska (Gottschee) Area


  • Anja Moric ZRC SAZU, Institute of Ethnomusicology; University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts, Department of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology



Gottschee, Gottscheers, Gottschee Germans, multilingualism, nationalism, linguistically mixed regions, linguistic islands, national identity


The article calls into question the understanding of the Kočevska (Gottschee) area as a “German language island”. Through examples of the use of different languages before the Second World War, it shows a different –multilingual or multicultural– image of this region. The author draws data from historical and archival sources, as well as from a survey that she conducted among Gottscheers (“Gottschee Germans”) living in Slovenia, Austria, Germany, the USA and Canada. Keywords: Gottschee, Gottscheers, Gottschee Germans, multilingualism, nationalism, linguistically mixed regions, linguistic islands, national identity


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How to Cite

Moric, A. (2021). German “Linguistic Island” or a Linguistically Mixed Region?: Multilingual Practices in the Kočevska (Gottschee) Area . Traditiones, 50(2), 123–140.