Language of Speech, Language of Song: Between Dialect, Supra-Dialect and Standard Language


  • Marjetka Golež Kaučič ZRC SAZU, Institute of Ethnomusicology



language, dialect, supra-dialect, standard, convergence, folk song, identity, switching language codes


The article discusses the language switching from dialect to supra-dialect / standard language in three positions of language use in a folklore event, which represents the relationship between the singing of a song, the speech between the informant and the scholar and the adaptation to the different speech positions of both participants in the event. Author finds this on the basis of an analysis of three variants of the folk ballad “Suicide of a Nun” from three dialect environments and one prayer, and an analysis of speech. He also discusses the symbolic meaning of the use of language in the linguistic and social situation and the issue of the identity use of an individual language code.


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How to Cite

Golež Kaučič, M. (2021). Language of Speech, Language of Song: Between Dialect, Supra-Dialect and Standard Language . Traditiones, 50(2), 55–78.