New grassland association Triseto-Centaureetum macroptili ass. nova in Slovenia


  • Igor Zelnik ZRC SAZU, Institute of Biology, Novi trg 2, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia


Arrhenatherion, phytosociology, meadow vegetation, Slovenia


The work describes the community of improved meadows that thrives on the elevated parts of alluvia and sometimes marshes, on the sites above the flooded areas. These stands were found and recorded in the sub- Pannonian and pre-Dinaric areas of Slovenia. The relevés were compared with other similar communities from the alliance Arrhenatherion Koch 1926 as well as some of the ecological characteristics. A new association named Triseto-Centaureetum macroptili ass. nova is here proposed. It was classified into alliance Arrhenatherion and order Arrhenatheretalia R. Tx 1931. The characters of the order Molinietalia Koch 1926 are also common, which reflects the transitional environmental conditions of those sites. The association thrives on deposits, predominantly on levees, where the soil is permeable for water. The material from these meadows, which are mown once to twice a year, is used for fodder and not for litter, which confirms their classification.


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How to Cite

Zelnik, I. (2015). New grassland association Triseto-Centaureetum macroptili ass. nova in Slovenia. Hacquetia, 6(1). Retrieved from


