The vegetation of the Buna river protected landscape (Albania)


  • Giuliano Fanelli Department of Biology, Tor Vergata University of Rome, 00133 Roma, Italy.
  • Michele De Sanctis Department of Environmental Biology, Sapienza University of Rome, 00185 Roma, Italy.
  • Ermelinda Gjeta Department of biology, University “Aleksander Xhuvani", Elbasan, Albania.
  • Alfred Mullaj Flora and Fauna Research Center, Faculty of Nature Science, University of Tirana, Tirana, Albania.
  • Fabio Attorre Department of Environmental Biology, Sapienza University of Rome, 00185 Roma, Italy.


aquatic vegetation, Albania, Buna River, alluvial forests, dry grasslands, marshlands, shrublands, xerothermophilous forests.


The vegetation of Buna River Protected Landscape is described. The area comprises both the alluvial plain of the lower course of the Buna river that marks the boundary between Montenegro and Albania, and a carbonatic range. The vegetation is characterized by a high β-diversity (27 alliances and 46 associations), especially in wetlands and dry grasslands. In the area it is possible to distinguish 1 dunal and 4 hygro-sequences in the alluvial plain and 3 xeroseries in the carbonatic range. Associations Clematido viticellae-Punicetum granati and Periploco graecae-Alnetum glutinosae are described as new.



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How to Cite

Fanelli, G., De Sanctis, M., Gjeta, E., Mullaj, A., & Attorre, F. (2015). The vegetation of the Buna river protected landscape (Albania). Hacquetia, 14(2). Retrieved from




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