Phytosociology and taxonomic notes on some endemic-rich associations of the Naples Gulf


  • Giuliano Fanelli Department of Environmental Biology, Sapienza University of Rome
  • Dario La Montagna Sapienza University of Rome
  • Fabio Attorre Department of Environmental Biology, Sapienza University of Rome
  • Michele De Sanctis Department of Environmental Biology, Sapienza University of Rome
  • Paola Masucci Centro Studi Interdisciplinari Gaiola onlus, AMP Parco Sommerso di Gaiola


Chasmophyte, Endemic dolomite, Phytogeography, Phytosociology, Scrub, Southern Italy


The Gulf of Naples is an important centre of endemism, well known from the floristic point of view, but much less from the phytosociological one. In this paper we investigated the non-forest vegetation focusing on communities rich in endemics. We described two communities as new: Eryngio amethystini-Santolinetum neapolitanae for the garrigues on limestone, Globulario neapolitanae-Loniceretum stabianae for the vegetation on dolomitic rocks, both from the Lattari mountains, and we extend the area of Crithmo maritimi-Limonietum cumani for the vegetation on volcanic rocks and rarely on limestones along the coast, which was known for a few localities. The syntaxonomical position and the phytogeographical context of these communities are discussed. A few taxonomic notes are added on rare or interesting species retrieved in the course of the enquiry.



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How to Cite

Fanelli, G., La Montagna, D., Attorre, F., De Sanctis, M., & Masucci, P. (2022). Phytosociology and taxonomic notes on some endemic-rich associations of the Naples Gulf. Hacquetia, 21(1), 1–14. Retrieved from




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