Invention of the Transgenic Man and the Transgenre in the Art of the XX Century


  • Bernard Lafargue


transgenic, transgenre, reconfiguration(s), philosophy of art


With the Romantic tradition that was repeated within the Frankfurt school and as well as with Francastel and Panofsky, it is the progression of the artistic creation toward the cultural, political and philosophical that is today the most forceful. It was Kandinsky that reformulated this law in the clearest way using the parabola of a triangle. We are witness to processes of deconfiguration and reconfiguration that lead art to an even greater freedom. This process, named also “a platform,” is most visibly develop today within art projects and figuration(s) that constitute what it is possible to name a transgenic man and transgenre art in contemporary culture.


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How to Cite

Lafargue, B. (2016). Invention of the Transgenic Man and the Transgenre in the Art of the XX Century. Filozofski Vestnik, 23(2). Retrieved from