Hydrology and hydrochemistry of marble aquifer with point recharge from two deep sinkholes, Menderes Massive, western Turkey


  • Celalettin Şimşek Dokuz Eylul University, Technical Vocational School of Higher Education
  • Birol Kaya Department of Civil Engineering, Dokuz Eylul University
  • Ahmet Alkan Department of Civil Engineering, Dokuz Eylul University
  • Fatih Büyüktopçu Department of Civil Engineering, Dokuz Eylul University
  • Necdet Türk Department of Geological Engineering, Dokuz Eylul University
  • Yalçın Arisoy Department of Civil Engineering, Dokuz Eylul University




Menderes Massive is a NE–SW-trending metamorphic terrain in western Anatolia. The massive is composed of regionally metamorphosed rocks of mica-schist and marble. The Bozdag Mountain is the main horst system in Kucuk Menderes river basin. It is composed of several N-S oriented small horsts and grabens and contains important karst features, such as poljes and sinkholes. Ayvacik and Subatan Poljes are typical closed depressions draining into Ayvacik and Subatan sinkholes (ponors). Both are developed along the N-S directed fault system. The main objective of this study is to determine the karstification and hydrogeochemical features of water circulating in marble terrain and controlled by deep sinkholes in the Bozdag Mountain. Detailed speleological studies demonstrated that the degree of karstification of marble rock depends on the regional tectonic structure, the mineralogy of marble and the water recharge rate into the sinkholes. Tritium isotope and tracer tests indicate very fast flow and connection between Subatan surface water and a spring in lower elevations with high Ca and Mg ion concentration at the south of the study area.


Hidrogeologija in hidrokemija marmornega vodonosnika s ponornim točkovnim napajanjem (Masiv Meredes, zahodna Turčija)
Masiv Menderes je območje metamorfnih kamnin v zahodni Anatoliji, Turčija. Razteza se v smeri SV–JZ in je sestavljeno predvsem iz regionalno metamorfiziranih sljudnih skrilavcev in marmorjev. Goro Bozdag sestavlja sistem manjših grud in tektonskih jarkov, orientiranih v smeri sever-jug. Masiv je delno zakrasel, s tipičnimi kraškimi oblikami, med katere spadata tudi polji Ayvacik in Subatan, ki se drenirata skozi istoimenske ponore. Obe polji sta razviti v prelomni coni orientirani v smeri sever-jug. Glavni namen opisane raziskave je določiti stopnjo zakraselosti območja in hidrokemične lastnosti vode, ki teče skozi marmornati masiv. Podrobne speleološke raziskave so pokazale, da je zakraselost močno pogojena z regionalno geološko strukturo, mineraloško sestavo marmorja in velikostjo dotokov v ponore. Izotopske analize tritija in sledenje podzemnih voda kažejo na hiter tok in povezavo med poljem Subatan in visoko mineraliziranimi izviri na jugu obravnavanega območja.




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Kako citirati

Şimşek, C., Kaya, B., Alkan, A., Büyüktopçu, F., Türk, N., & Arisoy, Y. (2015). Hydrology and hydrochemistry of marble aquifer with point recharge from two deep sinkholes, Menderes Massive, western Turkey. Acta Carsologica, 44(2). https://doi.org/10.3986/ac.v44i2.673



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