Schaffenrathʼs Inscription Column in Pisani rov, Postojnska jama


  • Stephan Kempe Institute for Applied Geosciences, University of Technology Darmstadt, Schnittspahnstr. 9, D-64287 Darmstadt, Germany
  • I. Bauer Institute for Applied Geosciences, University of Technology Darmstadt, Schnittspahnstr. 9, D-64287 Darmstadt, Germany
  • H. Dirks Institute for Applied Geosciences, University of Technology Darmstadt, Schnittspahnstr. 9, D-64287 Darmstadt, Germany
  • Horst-Volker Heinschel Henschel & Ropertz, Am Markt 2, D-64287 Darmstadt



Napisi lahko pripomorejo k razjasnitvi nezadostno dokumentirane zgodovine odkrivanja glavnih rovov Postojnske jame. Ta čas je bil povezan s tremi osebami: Josipom Jeršinovičem plemenitim Löwengreif, Alojzom Schaffenrathom in grofom Francem Hohenwartom. Temelječ na sodobnih zapisih Schaffenratha (1834), Hohenwarta (1830, 1832a,b) in Schmidla (1854), avtorji razpravljajo o okoliščinah in času njihovih raziskovanj glavne jame ter menijo, da ta ni bila odkrita do prihoda nadvojvode Ferdinanda avgusta 1819. Eden najstarejših napisov iz tega časa je na kapniškem stebru v Pisanem rovu, 90 m od tam, kjer se odcepi od glavnega rova. Tu je Schaffenrath 1825 zapisal imeni Löwengreifa, Gospodaritscha in svoje. Ta steber je morda edino mesto v Postojnski jami, kjer so vsa tri imena skupaj. Če upoštevamo razmeroma pozne raziskave glavnega rova, je letnica 1825 morda leto odkritja tega dela jame. To potrjuje tudi dejstvo, da tega dela jame ni na prvem objavljenem zemljevidu (Bronn, 1826, temelječ na zemljevidu Foÿker/Schaffenrath iz okoli 1821). 1832 je bil odprt notranji del Pisanega rova in imenovan v čast nadvojvode Janeza. Na steber so dodali še več napisov, več pa jih je tudi dalje po rovu. Iz 1836 je podpis J(ozef) Hauer, to je paleontolog in oče Franca plemenitega Hauerja. Tudi Anton Perko, mlajši brat Ivana Andreja, je zapustil svoje ime. I.A. Perko je podpisan 1892 v Rovu brez imena, v letu preden so on, njegov brat in drugi v Trstu ustanovili študentsko jamarsko društvo “Hades”. Raziskovanje in dokumentiranje zgodovinskih napisov lahko pomaga pri rekonstrukciji in razlagi zgodovine raziskav in odkrivanj te najpomembnejše turistične jame.

Inscriptions may help to clarify the incompletely documented early history of the discovery of the main passages in Postojnska jama. This period is associated with three people: Josef (Josip) Jeršinovič Ritter von Löwengreif, Alois Schaffenrath, and Franz Graf von Hohenwart. Based on the contemporary writings of Schaffenrath (1834), Hohenwart (1830, 1832a,b) and Schmidl (1854) the authors discuss the circumstances and timing of the exploration of the main cave, suggesting that the main passage was not discovered until after the visit of Erzherzog Ferdinand in August 1819. One of the earliest inscriptions from that period is found on a column in Pisani rov, 90 m from its branch from the main passage. Here Schaffenrath left in 1825 the names of Löwengreif, of Gospodaritsch, and of himself. This column may be the only site in Postojnska jama featuring all three names in one place. In view of the rather late exploration of the main passage, the date 1825 may be the discovery date of this section of the cave since it does not appear on the earliest map published (Bronn, 1826, based on a map of Foÿker/Schaffenrath ca. 1821). In 1832 the back part of Pisani rov was opened and named in honour of Erzherzog Johann. Several more inscriptions were placed on the column. Further down the passage a few more inscriptions exist. One was dated 1836 by J(ozef) Hauer, a paleontologist and the father of Franz Ritter von Hauer. Also Anton Perko, the younger brother of Ivan Andrej Perko left his name. I.A. Perko signed as well, but in the Rov brez imena, in the year 1892, a year before he, his brother and others founded the student caversʼ club “Hades” in Trieste. Search and documentation of historic inscriptions may therefore aid in reconstructing the exploration and visitation history of this most important show cave.


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Kako citirati

Kempe, S., Bauer, I., Dirks, H., & Heinschel, H.-V. (2016). Schaffenrathʼs Inscription Column in Pisani rov, Postojnska jama. Acta Carsologica, 33(2).



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